全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
来源: 上海诺科学校 编辑:佚名
The First Annual Xinhe-North Cross Speech Competition
On Tuesday, December 29th the First Annual Xinhe North Cross Speech Competition was held. There were a total of 10 participants from all four grade levels.
Representing the freshmen were Leo and Jack, coached by Eva. There were four sophomores, Kevin, Leonie, Angel, and Cytheria, coached by Wendy and Lynn. Nathan coached the juniors, Carly and Jason. Finally, the seniors were represented by Frank and Claire, and coached by Kyle.
The 10 finalists represent about the top 10% of speech participants at the school, having already advanced past the class competition into the school-wide competition.
The overall topic of the speech contest was “change”, and students took the topic in many interesting directions, from climate change to personal change.
An added wrinkle to the school-wide competition was the panel of 6 judges from Asia, Europe, and North America. Following each 3 to 4 minute speech, a selected judge asked 1-2 follow up questions in order to learn more about the speaker’s viewpoints. These questions were very challenging for our students since they had no idea what exactly the judge would ask, and they must answer on stage in front of the entire student body and many teachers! Many thanks to our esteemed judges: Marc and Christopher (USA), Esther (Germany), Candice, Emma, and Shane (China).
After a fierce competition, the winner’s names were posted. Congratulations to the first place winner Carly, second place winner Claire, third place winner Kevin, and fourth place winner Angel. The student host, Eve from 11th grade, did an excellent job of keeping everything running smoothly, and letting the audience, judges, and speakers know everything they needed to know, even the hometowns of each of the participants!
Carly, Angel, Kevin, and Eve will be taking their speaking talents to an international competition hosted by the prestigious Stanford University. Please root them on as they continue sharpening their speaking talents!
Awesome job everyone!
Kyle Quinn
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