


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


来源: 上海诺科学校      编辑:佚名




从教近二十年,拥有丰富的教学和管理经验,先进的国际课程理念。曾在上海市实验性示范性高中工作十年,担任教学处、学生处、国际交流处主任等职。2008年至2014年7月,任职于全国规模的A Level课程学校——上海师范大学剑桥国际中心,历任学生处主任、副校长,负责教学、学生管理和升学指导等工作,对A Level、AP、IB等各类国际课程都有深入研究和独到见解。期间,每年辅导十余位学生进入牛津大学、剑桥大学深造;申请进入全美排名前20位大学的学生每年都有30余人,其中包括哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学等常青藤盟校,以及芝加哥大学、杜克大学、加州大学伯克利分校等世界知名学府。

Having been working for approximately twenty years, Mr. Wu Cheng has rich teaching and management experience, and innovative international curriculum concept. He once worked for ten years as Dean of Teaching and Student Affairs, and Director of International Division at a Shanghai key senior high school. From 2008 to July 2014, he worked at the largest A Level school in China – Cambridge International Centre of Shanghai Normal University, as Dean of Student Affairs and Deputy Principal in charge of teaching and student affairs, and university application guidance. For the past years, hundreds of students have been admitted into the world renowned universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, Cornell, Chicago, Duke, UC Berkeley, etc.



张云魁:长期在北京王府学校(中国AP国际学校)任职教务长,AP、A Level优秀教师,美国大学理事会“中国AP示范教师”,并多次被评为国家级和省市级“优秀教师”及“先进教育工作者”。还受聘于哈佛大学教育学院,作为“哈佛大学认证培训教练”,代表哈佛大学培训中国区双语教师,数次受美国大学理事会邀请在大学理事会论坛及美国大学招生协会年会做演讲及报告。凭借多年国际课程教学及管理经验,曾培养输送了一大批学子进入耶鲁、麻省理工、达特茅斯、布朗、康奈尔、伯克利、UCLA、剑桥、帝国理工、伦敦政经、加拿大滑铁卢、多伦多、麦吉尔、UBC和澳洲、香港、新加坡等国家的大学。

Mr. Zhang has been working as the Director of Academics at Beijing Royal School, which is one of the largest international schools in China. He is an AP Demonstration Teacher authorized by College Board in the U.S. and he has received “Excellent Teacher” awards and “Outstanding Educator” awards at national and provincial levels several times. In addition, he is employed by Harvard Graduate School of Education as an authenticated “Training Coach”, who is qualified to train the bilingual teachers of “Wide World” program in China. He has been invited by the College Board to give speeches in the College Board Forum and NACAC Conference. With years of experiences in teaching and management specializing in the international curricula, Mr. Zhang has successfully guided a large number of students entering into world’s top universities, including Yale University, MIT, Dartmouth College, Brown University, Cornell University, Berkley, UCLA, Cambridge University, Imperial College, LSE, Waterloo University, Toronto University, McGill University, U BC and many other renowned universities from Australia, HongKong, Singapore, etc.

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